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How to Get More Followers on Snapchat

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Do you use SnapChat? If youโ€™re a singer, rapper, DJ or producer and you donโ€™t, youโ€™re doing it wrong.

SnapChat is making noise everywhere.

If you donโ€™t know how it works, itโ€™s pretty simple. You take a short video or picture slideshow with your phone and either send it out to all your followers or as a direct message to someone.

Once itโ€™s been viewed it turns into cyber dust and goes away. (You can usually re-view a snap once before it gets deleted).

Before we get into it, be sure you read up on how to get your music on all digital platforms.

Why Care About SnapChat?

Because artists are killing it with the social-mobile app โ€“ just look at DJ Khaledโ€™s SnapChat. Heโ€™s got websites blogging about how great his snapchat is. And if you have enough followers, it might be another way to make some money from your art. (You remember how some celebrities doing crazy Twitter numbers can get paid for their tweets, right? Same idea.)

And SnapChat is making moves. Investors are predicting that the company will become public with an IPO in 2016. That means theyโ€™re gonna get MONEY, and that money will be put into growing the platform.

So take advantage while itโ€™s hot. Thereโ€™s no telling when the hype around SnapChat will fade. And social media marketing for musicians is always a good idea.

How Music Artists Should Use SnapChat

If youโ€™re a solo artist, just sign up by downloading the SnapChat app on your phone and creating an account. If youโ€™re in a band, I think itโ€™s a great idea to have one single band account but let everyone in the band post to it individually. That should also help you keep snapping consistently with fresh content.

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So what should you do when you sign up?

I think the same ideas you use on social media apps like Instagram and Flipagram can work. You obviously canโ€™t post articles or huge comments, but you can send out whatever you want. Let your personality and brand (who you are as an artist/band/group) show through in your posts. Be authentic.

DJ Khaled's Snapchat

Think in terms of what you would want to see from your favorite artistโ€™s SnapChat.

Hereโ€™s some quick ideas, but take this however far you want to:

  • Send out a snap of you in the studio
  • Send out a new song lyric or hook you just wrote and get feedback
  • Snap interesting things that happen in your normal day
  • Clips of your live performances
  • Clips of parties or shows youโ€™re attending
  • Clips of media appearances and interviews (โ€œbehind the scenesโ€ type ish)

You get the idea.


How to Get People Following You on SnapChat

This is the question every single person using a damn piece of social media asks and wants to know the secret to.

Honestly, there is no secret. You just have to keep using it consistently and doing interesting things and the hype will spread. Itโ€™s a long road and effort.

But one thing you can do that I donโ€™t see anyone doing is using SnapCodes.

Whatโ€™s a SnapCode? Itโ€™s kind of like a QR Code (remember those? neither do most peopleโ€ฆ) for SnapChat. People point their SnapChat camera at it and can automatically find and follow your account.

Theyโ€™re actually pretty dope and I highly suggest taking advantage.

How to Get Your Snapchat Snapcode

How to Get a SnapCode

Just go to and login using your SnapChat account.

Once you login, youโ€™ll see a โ€œManage My Accountโ€ screen with a big yellow button on top that says โ€œDownload My SnapCode.โ€

On the next page just hit the โ€œdownloadโ€ button and save the file it downloads somewhere youโ€™ll remember. Itโ€™s a zip file (archive) that has a PNG file in it. Thatโ€™s file is the picture of your SnapCode.

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How to Use Your SnapCode

Basically you can use that snapcode.png file in any way you choose. Put it on your website, put it on your show flyers, print out stickers with your name and snapcode and plaster them in every city you go to.

The only thing you want to be sure you donโ€™t do is change up the original snapcode image in any way. (You can customize it but you run the risk of f**kin it all up โ€“ see the Guidelines document included in your SnapCode download for more info).

Also, if youโ€™re printing on stickers or posters/flyers, donโ€™t use too high of a gloss on the paper. That can stop it from working properly. And the smallest size you want to ever print it is 1โ€ณ โ€“ doesnโ€™t work if you print it smaller than that.

How Others Use Your SnapCode

It may not be the most common knowledge out there so you should (if you can) include instructions on how to use it.

Hereโ€™s how someone follows you using your SnapCode:

  1. Point SnapChat camera at SnapCode
  2. Once aligned/focused, Press and Hold Screen.
  3. Click Follow.


Hereโ€™s our SnapCode if you want to follow Deviant Noise on SnapChat:

Deviant Noise Snap Code

If you have music that’s ready to be released, I highly recommend you use TuneCore to do it – they’re an affordable way to release unlimited music to Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal and more!

And thatโ€™s it! Let me know if you have any questions in the comments and stay tuned to the Deviant Noise blog โ€“ weโ€™re bringing it in 2016!

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    About The Author:

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    Omar Zulfi

    Omar Zulfi is a music producer, rapper, singer, songwriter and digital entrepreneur. He is the founder and head writer at Deviant Noise. Learn more about what he's doing by clicking here.